Certification for Environmental Management and Energy Management

LTB is delighted to share the news of our recent double certification achievement! Our company has been awarded the prestigious DIN 14001 and DIN 50001 certifications, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. The DIN 14001 certification is a globally recognised standard for environmental management and demonstrates our commitment to minimising our environmental impact, conserving resources and protecting the environment. This achievement reflects our ongoing efforts to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and to align ourselves with international best practice in sustainability.

In addition, the DIN 50001 certification underlines LTB’s focus on energy management, enabling us to effectively reduce energy consumption, optimise operating costs and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change. This certification is testament to our proactive approach to implementing energy efficient practices within our organisation. We are extremely proud of this achievement, which is testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team. Each and every employee has played a vital role in embracing sustainable practices and driving positive change within our business. This achievement reflects our collective commitment to building a more sustainable future for generations to come.

As we celebrate this milestone, we reaffirm our pledge to continue to strive for excellence in sustainability and energy efficiency. These certifications are testament to our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship and responsible energy management. We are honoured to be recognised as a leader in sustainable business practices and remain steadfast in our pursuit of a greener, more sustainable future. We sincerely thank everyone who has contributed to this achievement and look forward to continuing our journey towards a more sustainable and energy efficient future.

Certifications for environmental and energy management